Job Qualifications: Ragnarian
Job Details: Passionate and slightly crazed individuals are needed to run 200ish miles with eleven friends.Minimum Qualifications
- Minimum ability to be able to run a 10K (or, ahem, slightly more) three times in a 24hour-ish period. Or at least be delusional enough to believe that you will possess that ability before race day
- Advanced mathematics degree with an emphasis in mileage calculation and pacing charts. Also, be able to quickly adapt spreadsheets
- Proficient with all the things involving a hashtag
- Strong slap bracelet hand-off skills
- Ability to travel quickly between drop-off points. This may involve navigating crowded parking lots in the dark, pulling U-turns alongside farmlands, and fielding requests from teammates to turn the music up or find a better song.
- Own a reflective vest and headlamp
- Experience sleeping in weird locations during odd hours. The ability to function/run on no sleep at all is an acceptable alternative. Bring your own blanket
- Strong interpersonal skills. If you don’t immediately love everyone you meet, this is not the job for you.
Desired Qualifications
- Be a local... your van-mates can sleep at your house/friend’s cabin...
...instead of on a gym floor.
- Also, please cook luau food for your team the night before
- Artistic skills in the van-decorating department
- Be really, really fast. This will improve not only your team’s overall time, but more importantly contribute to your road-kill tally.
- The ability to pull of this look:
You Need Not Apply if…
- Cleanliness and hygiene are important to you
- You are scared of the dark
- You need any of the following things to fall asleep: A quiet space, a one-hour chunk of time, a glass of wine, a bed.
Comprehensive Health Benefits
- You will be able to eat Doritos for breakfast and not feel guilty about it.
- You’ll actually need to pay over a thousand dollars per team. Also factor in expenses for van rentals, team outfits, magnets, $85 Ragnar-brand sweatpants, and gas money. Good luck with that.
Retirement Benefits
- Whatever these medals are worth at the age you plan on retiring.