Pass Go and Collect $200: Classroom Ideas


In 1904, Lizzie Magie filed a patent for her Landlord’s Game which showcased the unfair landlord-tenant relationship. The game was manufactured, and fans of the game started making their own house rules. A University professor used the game as a teaching tool, and his students re-named it Monopoly. Lizzie approached the Parker Brothers, but they weren’t interested in the game - too educational. In 1935, Charles Darrow made his own board, improved and sold the game to Parker Brothers. The Parker Brothers gave Lizzie $500. They listed Charles as the inventor, and he became a millionaire.

Classroom Ideas:

  • Value Line-Ups:

  1. The teacher poses a question or asks students to evaluate a statement. Possible statements:

  • The government should force landlords to lower rent when the wealth gap between landlords and renters gets to a certain point.

  • I like changing rules to games or making “house rules.”

  • Charles Darrow is the REAL inventor of Monopoly

2. Students line up across the room according to their response based on their degree of agreement or disagreement. (Students can write 2-3 reasons for their response prior to lining up)

3. The class discusses rationale for students’ placement.

  • Dual timelines: Create a timeline of events in the book, add in relevant events in US history that impacted the story (Great Depression, etc. )

  • Make a game based on a topic from class

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